Find the perfect match with the most complete data source of neighborhoods
and homes for sale and for rent.
Save on agent's fees. Our platform helps you communicate to the seller/buyer/renter for free.
No more going back and forth. Set up visits, negotiate, submits your documents
online and save days and weeks of your time.
At your service. Verified, insightful and high quality data on apartments ,
neighborhoods and situations on the market.
Loquare | Real Estate Agent | |
Listing | High-quality consistent listing with contextual data, neighborhood analysis and detailed descriptions. | Basic information, lack of pictures and details |
Information, property reports |
Online, chat, over the phone |
Contact the agent |
CMA( comparitive market analysis) | Trusted advice, verified data, precise estimation based on verified algorithms |
Agent's perception, no rules. |
Tour & Showings | Instant set up, you are in control an agent will manage the event and assist you. | Agent is in control |
Negotiation | You are in control. Get Prequalified for a mortage .Make and cancel offers online, sign your documents online and check the status of your offers in real-time. | Agent is in control |
Fee commission selling | Save up to than 1.5% sold price | between 3% and 6 % sold price |
Fee commission renting | save up to 50% rent price | 10% one-year renting price |
The industry standard commission rate is 3% to 6%. loquare will refund you more than 50% of a real estate agent's commission.
You Will Receive A Minimum Refund Of 1.5% Of The Deal Price.
The standard commission rate in the
real estate industry: 1 month rent.
loquare will refund more than
50% of this amount.
Minimum Refund:
50% Of The Commission.
A real estate tech firm that revolutionizes the industry.
we make the home searching/buying/renting
process seamless